A fast-moving brush fire blacked nearly 1,500 acres of dry grass east of Maricopa Thursday afternoon.

The fire burned for more than four hours before firefighters were able to halt the spread.

The fire was reported shortly after 1 p.m. and by  about 5 p.m. it was 50 percent contained and holding at 1.286 acres. Some firefighters were planning to stay on the fire overnight to prevent flareups.

By 8 a.m. Friday, Cal Fire was reporting the fire was 1,479 acres and 98 percent contained.

The cause is under investigation, Kern County Fire Department Spokesman Andrew Freeborn said.

The fire broke out about a mile south of Highway 166 and spread rapidly with frequent requests for more equipment, Freeborn said.

In the end, it took 70 people to stop the fire, including crews from the KCFD, Cal Fire and the Bureau of Land Management

Five engines, six patrols, two dozers two water tenders, a water dropping helicopter and several air tankers were used to control the fire.